Transformice hack fraises 2015
Transformice hack fraises 2015

transformice hack fraises 2015

Adverts are removed for guests, players who have played less than one hour, people who have bought fraises (to thank them for their support) and people who play with the official standalone. Adverts will only appear once every 18 hours per IP. Adding advertisements in Transformice.Ability to display gender on game profile.Player's forum avatar now displayed in the browser version.The visibility of the player's mouse has been improved for new accounts and guests.

transformice hack fraises 2015

  • Admins and moderators nickname are now colored in their profiles.
  • Mobile payment is now available for these countries : Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
  • Update: 4 February 2014 (Unknown version) Release date
  • Room 801 now uses map 801 instead of map 0 - complete change of scenery.
  • Added the second part of the new Map 801 scenery to room 801.
  • Your soulmate won't gain any saves and their points will not be lost. You will also play together in double shaman maps and fight maps. Your partner's name will be visible on your profile and a new icon will appear next to their name in-game.

    #Transformice hack fraises 2015 skin

    Balloons, boxes and tables have changed their skin due to the event.Now the event monitor phrases display in the lower left rather than the upper right.Fixed a bug that did not display the sentences if you stood on one of the tables on the terrace.Added an animated logo on game startup before the login screen.Added the third and fourth part of the new scenery from map 801 to room 801.On the login screen, if the active text box is in the nickname text box, the small window that appears will indicate that the TrimFortress login is also usable in addition to Bouboum's.The room names in the drop-down menu are displayed in blue.Fixed a bug that blocked the room chat completely during the Carnival 2014 map.Carnival Event: the shaman will now be chosen randomly among the three best shamans in the room (with the highest saved mice score).Update: 2 April 2014 (Unknown version) Release date Carnival event: The shaman is now correctly chosen among the three best shamans.Enabling you to show all the furs you own at the same time is our way to thank you for helping Transformice go on. In the future, we're planning to realize badges for each fur. A new toucan badge will be granted to each mouse who owns the toucan fur.A new badge has been added for the tiger fur! To celebrate it, this fur is available with a 50% discount for a week!.You can now use the shortcut SHIFT + A to select all the grounds in the map editor.When you enter the hole with the cheese, the chat will show how long it took you to complete the map.Bug fixed : the shaman won't be killed anymore if entering the hole in the 5 first seconds.There must be at least one person in the tribe house to send an invite. Use the command /inv to invite a friend or use /invkick to kick an unwanted guest. You can invite friends in your tribe house.You can now use the command /mod to see online moderators in every community.Fixed a bug that allowed entering another tribe's house without an invitation through the friends list.

    transformice hack fraises 2015

  • 4th Anniversary enigma added, including and command /hynixy.
  • Official rooms have a different color on the top-right corner.
  • Players are less likely to be transferred to another room.
  • 78 Update: 4 February 2014 (Unknown version).
  • 66 Update: 2 April 2014 (Unknown version).
  • 13 Update: 2 October 2014 (Unknown version).
  • 11 Update: 8 October 2014 (Unknown version).
  • 7 Update: November 2014 (Unknown version).
  • 2 Update: December 2014 (Unknown version).

  • Transformice hack fraises 2015